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Gina Maray Art

A Little Story for you About how I got here. 

Back during the Summer of 2020 my Life Changed. I hadn't seen it coming.  Within a month my world was different.  

So what happened? 

Well….. I cleaned my basement.

It was a Huge Job.  There was a lot of shit down there my friend.  So much Stuff, that TRULY my basement had been Stressing me Out for YEARS!

So each day down into that “hell pit” I went.  Yes I am being slightly over dramatic there.  As I worked and went day by day through everything a Steady theme began to emerge. I was encountering part of my life that I had 


Facing a huge former part of myself as I went through boxes and boxes.   Can you guess it? 

 Yes, it was Art.   

 Loads of Art stuff from art supplies, art books, art itself I had made in High school and Collage, Canvas, Gesso, Brushes…. 

 And the Kicker, the thing that I couldn't look away from.  

 Was this old Blue Notebook.  

I had saved it.  It was the only thing from Grade school I had saved. 

This notebook here was going to change my life.   

I felt its pull when I saw it.  

I could tell there was something important in there.  So I went upstairs with it.  I stood there at my kitchen counter and I read each poorly spelled word written within it.   

It was a mandatory Journal My Third Grade teacher Mrs. Doll had us write in.  This journal well…. It Clear out  



My nine year old self was right there on those pages setting her intention for my life.  

And so  

after 13 years away from making art

I bought some paint. 


So if you purchase a painting or print or support this passion of mine in any way. Not only do I give a Deep Bow of Gratitude to you.  

My nine year old self is smiling at you with tears in her eyes and a Heart Full of Thanks for helping make this little girl's dream a REALITY. 

Gina Maray

 Please consider 

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and my 

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if you resonate with my art and message.


Painting Love

I delight in finding and creating beauty.  I work very often with the theme of what is underneath exploring what is hidden under the piece by the textures created from layers of intention hidden below. Now that work has brought me deeper into exploring the energy alive within all things and honoring and highlighting that by working with a new and exciting technique that lets that aliveness shine forth in a stunning way.     Intention, Attention, and Love are my main ingredients besides my open acrylic paints and some magical sparkles and sometimes 23 kt gold.    Many of my works are created to highlight life lessons, specific energies, and aha's that are both simple yet quite profound when applied. These paintings are each imbued with a message so when they are seen the seeing calls forth a remembering, an activation of this knowing.  Everything in this world of ours is energy and my goal in my work is to bring the highest energy of love to each piece for it to radiate out to all who see it and the spaces where it hangs. Picture a visual energetic hug to the viewer at each seeing of the work.  Myself and my work are Unapologetically loving and positive because I believe we truly all need more love not less. I am thrilled and delighted to be bringing layers of love and beauty through my art.          - Gina Maray

In 2020 After a 13 year break from painting while busy with Parenting and homeschooling my kids I came back to the painting practice. 

I was delighted to see that the time away had actually served me for now I knew more of who I am and what I  want to bring to the world through my art. 

Here on this website you can see what I have created so far since my return to ART. With much more to come.  

My Paintings are filled with intentional energy and goodness.  The hope and intention is that each peace radiates its powerful energy into its space, quietly blessing all who see it.

Thanks for reading a little bit about me. 

I would love to work with you If you would like me to create a beautiful painting for you or a loved one! 

                                                                                                                         Infinite Love to you

                                                                                                                               -Gina Maray

Gina Maray is all about heart and passion. Through many years on her own spiritual journey, Gina has dedicated her life to courageously following her heart and allowing herself to be guided and driven by her own unique passions. Following her golden thread, Gina has healed and expanded herself, sharing love through such passions as dancing, kirtan, meditation, energy work, drum circles, and painting. She shares her love with the world with her smile, her famous hugs, her guided meditations, her paintings, and even as a certified professional cuddler through cuddlist.com.  Her background includes a Bachelor’s degree in fine art. After many years caring for and homeschooling her three beautiful growing young boys; this mama has been back to her passion of art. Gina is letting the creative juices flow through her painting. In her art, she weaves together bold colors, spiritual themes, symbolism, energy work, and the power of intention and attention. Fully alive, embodied, full feeling, Gina’s sensitive empathic nature has shaped her ability to creatively engage with the world around her. She is creating powerful pieces of art that wash the viewer and their space in loving energy.

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My artist statement and why it matters by Gina Maray

unapologetic big "cheesy" love

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